New Trainings
A list of new formal, professional learning opportunities offered by the Diagnostic Center, Northern California. This is part of the 2024-25 Professional Development Catalog.
Catalog Home | New Trainings in 2024-25 | Trainings by Series | Trainings by Topic | Trainings by Presenter
- Assistive Technology Consideration
- In a Galaxy FAR FAR Away - Using the Feifer Assessment of Reading
Intervention & Instruction
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in the Classroom: Creating an Environment with Universal Communication Access Supports
- Universal Design For Learning (UDL) - Part 2: Engagement, Representation, and Assessment Choice Boards
- Dyslexia Academy - Part 4: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Dyslexia
- Telling Stories in School with Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Mental Health
Visit our Special Training Opportunities web page for additional training opportunities!
Quick Links
- Overview of DCN Services
- Assessment Referral Process
- Professional Development Training Catalog
- Request a Training
- Training Calendar
- Special Training Opportunities
- Employment Opportunities
- California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN)
- Positive Environments, Network of Trainers (PENT)
- California Department of Education